Welcome to the Business of Beauty seminar series, an unparalleled opportunity for professionals in the aesthetics industry to elevate their clinic offerings and take their business to new heights. In an ever-evolving field, staying ahead requires more than just mastering the latest treatments; it involves strategic business acumen, innovative marketing, and a deep understanding of client retention. Our seminar series is meticulously designed to provide all these essentials, transforming your approach to adjunct services and ensuring sustainable growth and profitability.

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iS Clinical


Unlocking Potential with Expert Guidance

The Business of Beauty Seminar Series is crafted for forward-thinking aesthetics professionals who aspire to enhance their clinic’s appeal and operational efficiency. Our mission is to empower you with knowledge from industry veterans who have not only thrived in this competitive landscape but have also become pioneers of successful business models. These experts will share their journeys, revealing the strategies and insights that have propelled them to the top. By learning from those who have already navigated the challenges of the industry, you will gain a distinct advantage in your quest for business success.

Seamless Integration of Cutting-Edge Treatments

One of the core focuses of the inaugural Business of Beauty Seminars is to help you seamlessly integrate new and innovative treatments into your clinic’s offerings. This approach is designed to attract new clients and retain existing ones, ensuring a consistent and loyal customer base. You will discover how to incorporate adjunct therapies that not only enhance your primary services but also open up additional revenue streams. These treatments are selected based on their proven efficacy and popularity, giving your clinic a competitive edge.

Business Growth Through Proven Strategies

Success in the aesthetics industry is not just about offering the best treatments; it’s also about strategic business management. Our half-day seminar delves into proven strategies for increasing profitability, attracting a steady stream of new clients, and retaining them for the long term. You will learn how to market your services effectively, optimise your operations, and create a business model that supports sustained growth. These strategies are backed by real-world success stories, providing you with practical, actionable insights.

Achieving Balance and Passive Income

A significant pitfall for many clinic owners is becoming indispensable to their business, which often leads to burnout and limited growth. Our seminar addresses this issue head-on by teaching you how to develop systems and processes that enable your business to run smoothly even in your absence. By implementing these strategies, you can achieve a balance between your professional and personal life, ensuring that your business generates passive income while you can enjoy future freedom to travel and pursue other interests. This approach not only enhances your quality of life but also positions your clinic for long-term success.

Exclusive Networking Opportunities

To complement the rich learning experience, the seminar concludes with an exclusive networking cocktail party. This event provides a relaxed setting for you to connect with fellow professionals, industry leaders, and potential collaborators. Networking is a crucial component of professional growth, and this cocktail party offers the perfect opportunity to forge valuable relationships, exchange ideas, and explore new business opportunities.


1:30 – 2:00pm Registration  
2:00 – 2:30pm Strategic Practice Building: De-Risking and Expanding Your Aesthetic Business Dr John Flynn
2:30 – 3:00pm Brand Alchemy: Transforming Tough Times into Triumph Nicole Dabeau
3:00 – 3:30pm A Brilliant Touch to elevate your practice: Increasing patient profile & treatment frequency Dr Eric Song
3:30 – 4:00pm Creating a results-driven business: Utilising cosmeceutical skin care and unique brand positioning to elevate your business Dr Ian Chinsee
4:00 – 4:30pm Afternoon Tea  
4:30 – 5:00pm See the Difference a Touch Can Make: the key to attract and retain clients Deb Farnworth-Wood
5:00 – 5:30pm Let the brand do the work: Partnering with a global powerhouse to improve practice profitability and clinical outcomes Dr Sean Arendse
5:30 – 6:00pm Boost Your Bottom Line: How Companion Sales and Adjunct Therapies Drive Business Growth Ricky Allen
6:00 – 6:30pm Panel dicussion: Your opportunity to ask questions specific to your business  Expert Panel
6:30 – 8:30pm Exclusive Networking Event  

1:30 – 2:00pm | Registration

2:00 – 2:30pm | Strategic Practice Building: De-Risking and Expanding Your Aesthetic Business – Dr John Flynn

2:30 – 3:00pm | Brand Alchemy: Transforming Tough Times into Triumph – Nicole Dabeau

3:00 – 3:30pm | Clear + Brilliant Touch: New applications for all skin types – Dr Eric Song

3:30 – 4:00pm | Creating a results-driven business: Utilising cosmeceutical skin care and unique brand positioning to elevate your business – Dr Ian Chinsee

4:00 – 4:30pm | Afternoon Tea

4:30 – 5:00pm | See the Difference a Touch Can Make: the key to attract and retain clients – Deb Farnworth-Wood

5:00 – 5:30pm | Let the brand do the work: Partnering with a global powerhouse to improve practice profitability and clinical outcomes – Dr Sean Arendse/Dr Sarah Tranter

5:30 – 6:00pm | Boost Your Bottom Line: How Companion Sales and Adjunct Therapies Drive Business Growth – Ricky Allen

6:00 – 6:30pm | TBA – TBA

6:30 – 8:30pm | Exclusive Networking Event

In Detail:

Strategic Practice Building: De-Risking and Expanding Your Aesthetic Business – Dr John Flynn

Having practiced in the field of cosmetic surgery and medicine for over 30 years, Dr Flynn will share his experience in practice building and developing multiple aspects of a practice to de-risk the economic basis of your business. You don’t want to be the sole earner in the practice. That’s not a sound business strategy.

Dr Flynn will also offer tips for investing in your business to broaden the scope of your practice, guiding you on identifying growth opportunities to build a more resilient, profitable practice that adapts to industry changes.

Brand Alchemy: Transforming Tough Times into Triumph – Nicole Dabeau

Let’s face it—everyone’s feeling the pinch these days. The economy’s tough, and the aesthetics market is more crowded than ever. But here’s the good news: your brand is the secret sauce that can turn things around. And no, I’m not just talking about a snazzy logo or a trendy color palette. Your brand is the vibe, the essence, the magic that makes your clinic stand out in the sea of sameness.

In “Brand Alchemy,” we’re going to have some fun exploring how to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. We’ll dig into what makes your clinic truly unique—whether it’s your killer treatment offerings, your one-of-a-kind aesthetic philosophy, or that warm, fuzzy feeling your clients get every time they walk through your doors.

This is all about building a brand that’s real, relatable, and unforgettable. Because when your brand speaks to the heart of your clients, you’re not just surviving—you’re thriving. So, let’s chat about how to mix up some brand magic and turn these tough times into your clinic’s time to shine!

A Brilliant Touch to elevate your practice: Increasing patient profile & treatment frequency – Dr Eric Song

This session will provide valuable insights into using the latest laser technologies to elevate treatment outcomes through versatile, science-backed approaches.

Dr Eric Song will focus on the science behind the Clear + Brilliant Touch system and how to maximise the results with dual-wavelength technology. Addressing the basics of laser physics, how fractional lasers interact with skin chromophores, the differences between laser mediums and how combining wavelengths in a single treatment can optimise results. He will also address essential considerations for treating darker Fitzpatrick skin types, emphasising safety and efficacy.

Dr Song will discuss how laser treatment will fit in the continuum of care, how it combines with other therapies and finally, he will compare Pico technology with Fractional Clear + Brilliant laser, helping attendees understand when to use each for optimal results.

Creating a results-driven business: Utilising cosmeceutical skin care and unique brand positioning to elevate your business – Ian Chinsee/Sarah Tranter

What is most important when deciding on which brand to partner with? The presentation will explore the key factors to consider when choosing a brand partner, including product quality, brand reputation, alignment with your practice’s values, and long-term partnership potential.

Bringing your team on the journey is key to success. With insights on how to engage, educate and bolster their enthusiasm and belief in the range to really make a difference.

It will also look at how unique branding and leveraging patients who rave about their clinical outcomes can combine to maximise your success.

See the Difference a Touch Can Make: the key to attract and retain clients – Deb Farnworth-Wood

Market Insights: How does Clear & Brilliant Touch work in the real world from a clinic owner’s perspective? Discuss the gap you see in the market and how this device can fill it.

Business Growth: Strategies to build and expand your business with this new device. Explore add-on opportunities with Clear & Brilliant Touch alongside existing treatments and how they complement each other.

Top Tips: Practical advice for integrating Clear & Brilliant Touch into your practice, including delegation and ease of use. Provide a safe protocol for other physicians in the clinics to follow.

Client Outcomes: Discuss the versatility of the device, its suitability for all skin types, ages, and genders. Highlight comprehensive client feedback, clinical outcomes, and satisfaction levels.

ROI: Examine the business impact and return on investment of adopting this technology.

Let the brand do the work: Partnering with a global powerhouse to improve practice profitability and clinical outcomes – Dr Sean Arendse

Brand recognition can attract new patients without you having to do the heavy lifting, Dr Arendse describes how aligning your clinic with well-known, trusted brands can naturally draw new and retain current patients reducing the need for extensive marketing efforts.

But not matter how recognisable, the treatment must deliver. The presentation will emphasise the importance of choosing treatments that consistently deliver results. It will cover key criteria for selecting effective treatments, share personal insights into what has worked successfully, and discuss how reliable outcomes build patient trust and loyalty.

Dr Arendse will explore the benefits of combining complementary treatments to achieve superior results, discussing strategies for creating treatment plans that address multiple patient concerns, enhancing overall satisfaction and encouraging repeat visits. Combining treatments not only elevates patient outcomes but also positions your clinic as a comprehensive solution provider.

Boost Your Bottom Line: How Companion Sales and Adjunct Therapies Drive Business Growth – Ricky Allen

This session will explore how integrating companion sales and adjunct therapies can significantly boost your bottom line. Learn strategies to effectively bundle services and products, enhance client satisfaction, and increase revenue streams.

With many years experience in consulting on this topic, Ricky Allen will reveal real-world examples of businesses that have successfully implemented these practices, discuss the benefits of cross-selling and upselling, and provide actionable tips to maximise your profits.

Whether you have an aesthetic medicine clinic or beauty spa, this presentation will offer valuable insights to drive your business growth.

Exclusive Networking Cocktail Party

To complement the rich learning experience and to celebrate the launch of Clear + Brilliant Touch Laser, the seminar concludes with an exclusive networking cocktail party. This event provides a relaxed setting for you to connect with fellow professionals, industry leaders, and potential collaborators allowing delegates the perfect opportunity to forge valuable relationships, exchange ideas, and explore new business opportunities.


Dr Sean Arendse


Dr Arendse is the founder of Flawless Rejuvenation Skin Clinic & Flawless Hair Restoration, serves on the Cosmetic Physicians Society of Australia’s Board and is a national trainer and speaker for cosmetic products and devices.

As director of his clinics, he’s also a Senior Emergency Physician at a Melbourne hospital. Dr Arendse is renowned for his detailed facial assessments and natural aesthetic approach.

Dr Ian Chinsee


Dr Chinsee is registered with the Medical Board of Australia and is a Surgical Fellow of the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine (ACCSM). He graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2002 with a Bachelor of Science (Psychobiology), going on to complete his medical degree at the University of Queensland, graduating in 2007. Dr Chinsee undertook two years of advanced surgical training with the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine (ACCSM) and was awarded the Colin Moore Gold Medal Award for Excellence.

Dr Chinsee performs a range of aesthetic treatments, both surgical and non-surgical, with a focus on the breast and face.  He is also involved in research activities in conjunction with scientists and other clinicians to advance the field of cellular medicine and its use within the aesthetic industry.  In addition, he takes a keen interest in training other doctors and nurses in the art of cosmetic surgery and cosmetic injectables and is a regular presenter at conferences and events.


Dr Flynn is an internationally recognised cosmetic doctor with more than 20 years of experience. He is the founder and medical director of Cosmedic and Skin Clinic on the Gold Coast and is a Foundation Fellow and past-President of the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine.

Dr Flynn has introduced and refined advanced concepts in the field of facial aesthetics and is a highly sought after presenter and trainer.

Dr Eric Song


Dr Song is a consultant pathologist, interested in dermatopathology, with a strong research background in photobiology, cutaneous malignancies and vitamin D.  He is passionate about the latest medical technologies including lasers, energy-based devices, and their interaction with skin. He is a big advocate in promoting safe and effective use of such devices, through evidence based, and ethical practice. He graduated from University of New South Wales in 1997, completed internship at Concord Repatriation General Hospital in 1998, and began his exciting career in Medicine. His broad interest, endless curiosity, and passion began when he found his interest in skin after the medical education and basic medical training.

He has been the director of Reskin Medical (previously Curederm Skin and Laser) since 2007 and worked hard to make this a successful and reputable practice today, providing consistent and reliable primary, and secondary medical skin related services.

Dr Sarah Tranter


Sarah is a cosmetic physician whose technically focused approach, attention to detail and beautiful natural results have her fast becoming an opinion leader in medical aesthetics.

Graduating from the prestigious Imperial College London with her MBBS BSc in 2011, and going on to receive a Masters in Clinical Dermatology from the University of South Wales, Dr Tranter has benefited from some of the best training in the world. She is an expert in cosmetic injectables and advanced dermal treatments, constantly seeking out new, cutting edge techniques and industry leading best practices. Her clinic also offers the most state of the art face and body technology.

She is passionate about education, having been an ambassador for Cerave along with featuring in many publications. She loves sharing her knowledge of aesthetic treatments, skin and the ageing process, both in person and via her social media.

Ricky Allen


Ricky has qualifications in nursing and psychology, plus diplomas in beauty therapy, paramedical aesthetics, first line health management and public relations. She is a stalwart of the aesthetics community and has for many years run training courses through her company Aesthetic Reconstructions. She consults in marketing and provides training to clinics and haute cosmetic houses.

She provides paramedical, advanced treatment and medusa management courses for doctors, nurses and beauty therapists and is one of the most well-known and respected figures in the industry.

Nicole Dabeau


Originally a television presenter, Ms. Dabeau is an innovative and creative marketer with a passion for developing out-of-the-box solutions to marketing challenges and building communities to drive growth. Previously, she served as the Global Brand and Partnerships Director at Fresh Clinics, where she was instrumental in establishing the organization’s brand, community, marketing, and events from its inception. Ms. Dabeau conceived and produced the company’s industry-leading conference ‘The Fresh Life,’ expanded the aesthetic practitioner membership community by 900%, and played a pivotal role in creating the brand’s global presence and positioning. She also cultivated strategic partnerships to enhance brand awareness and played a pivotal role in business’s expansion into the US.

Ms. Dabeau now leads Mental Creative, a mission-driven consultancy and agency. Her work reflects a commitment to empowering businesses through strategic expertise in brand development, marketing, partnerships, community building, and event support, all while continuing her mission to destigmatize mental health and ensure that those who are struggling know they are not alone.

Deb Farnworth-Wood


Deb Farnworth-Wood is a serial entrepreneur and the founder of the world-leading international medi-aesthetic franchise Australian Skin Clinics.

Born in Kenya and raised in the UK, Deb’s story is one of moving to the other side of the world to retire – only to build a $70m business which she sold in 2019. Having spotted an opportunity to build a successful franchise model, Deb moved her family from the UK to the Gold Coast of Australia in 2007 and got down to work. She launched the franchise in 2011 and five years later, she had grown the business to 60 clinics across Australia and New Zealand and reshaped an ailing skincare brand, scooping up multiple awards in the process. She was named Gold Coast Woman in Business of the Year in 2017 and was a national finalist in the EY Entrepreneur of the Year awards in 2016.

April Jones


April is an aesthetic business strategist and development specialist, with a proven track record of driving growth and innovation across multi site locations, aesthetic clinic groups and $100 million dollar + brands.
She is skilled in identifying opportunities, optimising processes, and leading projects to deliver measurable results, and executing strategic initiatives that maximise profitability.

She has extensive experience working across regulatory frameworks in medical aesthetics including AHPRA regulations, TGA requirements, Medicines Australia and State Boards.

She has previously worked with Wesfarmers Health, Australian Skin Clinics, Alpha-H and Renaissance Cosmetic Clinics and her impressive career of 25 years+ spans medical and dermal aesthetics. She is also a qualified and experienced cosmetic nurse and dermal therapist, trained in the UK, Australia and Europe.



Double Bay

Cost $250


12 OCTOBER 2024
The Langham,

Cost $250


26 OCTOBER 2024
Brisbane Central

Cost $250


The Business of Beauty is brought to you by Bella Media, the team behind COSMEDICON and Aesthetic Medical Practitioner Magazine and proudly supported by Solta Medical, iS Clinical Skincare and Hydrafacial.

  • PO Box 213, Mosman NSW 2088, Australia


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